GWPOA Meeting 3-10-22 7pm on Zoom


  1. 7:00 PM: Welcome, Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum
  2. 7:05 PM: Announcements and Reports from Trustees and Other Committees– Vice President’s Report
    – Treasurer’s Report
    – Secretary’s Report
    – Member at Large Report
    – Architectural and Protective Committee Report – President’s Report
  3. 7:30 PMOld Business:
    – Formal Approval of October 28,2021 Meeting Minutes
  4. 7:40 PM: New Business– Review and Possible Approval of 2022 Draft Budget.
  5. 8:00 PM: Presentation of Property Owners:
    The floor is open for Property Owners wishing to speak. Property Owners wishing to speak are encouraged to sign up pre-meeting. After being recognized by the Board President or Designee, speakers are allowed three (3) minutes to speak, which the Trustees may extend.
  1. 8:30 Motion to Adjourn Board of Trustees
  2. 8:45 Executive Session* Board of Trustees

Executive Session, according to section 209.0051 of Texas Property Code the Board may adjourn a board meeting and reconvene in closed executive session to consider actions involving personnel, pending or threatened litigation, contract negotiations, enforcement actions, confidential communications with the property owners’ association’s attorney, matters involving the invasion of privacy of individual owners, or matters that are to remain confidential by request of the affected parties and agreement of the board. Following an executive session, any decision made in the executive session must be summarized orally and placed in the minutes, in general terms, without breaching the privacy of individual owners, violating any privilege, or disclosing information that was to remain confidential at the request of the affected parties. The oral summary must include a general explanation of expenditures approved in executive session. *Executive Session occurs only when needed.

Listed below is the Zoom invitation and link to the GPOA Board of Trustees meeting on Thursday March 10, 2022 at 7 PM.

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Meeting ID: 907 058 2325
Passcode: 5745177604
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