GPOA 2021 Board Election Candidate Solicitation – We want you!

Good Afternoon Goldenwood,

The 2021 Annual Meeting for the Goldenwood Property Owners’ Association will be held on Tuesday, June 8th at 7:00pm.   Details about the meeting will be sent out closer to the meeting date.

This year’s Board election will be conducted using ElectionRunner, an online voting system, and through the use of electronic and paper absentee ballots.  Information about ElectionRunner can be found here.
There are 2 openings on the Board of Trustees.  One incumbent, Jamie Lipman, is running for re-election.  
You could be on the Board!  Please fill out the attached application and return it via email to [email protected]before May 6th, 2021 at 5:00pm CST so that your name may be included on the ballots and in the ElectionRunner program.  Applications will not be accepted after May 6th at 5:00pm.

Thank you,
GPOA Office

Goldenwood Property Owners’ Association
16104 Goldenwood WayAustin, Texas 78737-9013[email protected]


*Please copy and paste your answers to an email and then email to [email protected]*
Goldenwood Property Owners Association
Board of Trustees Candidate Application
If you would like to serve on the Goldenwood Property Owners Board of Trustees, we hope that you will complete this short application.
Thank you for your interest.
Due by Date: May 6th, 2021 at 5:00pm cst Applications will not be accepted after this date and time. Name __________________________
Address: _____________________________ Lot # __ Phone: _________________ E-mail: _______________
Please list boards and committees that you serve on, or have served on (business, civic, community, fraternal, political, professional, recreational, religious, social).
Organization Role/Title Dates of Service
Optional – Have you received any awards or honors that you’d like to mention?
How would the Goldenwood POA benefit from your involvement on the Board?
(please limit response to 250 words)
Serving on the Board or APC
requires a substantial commitment to the community and may require 10-20 hours per month
or more depending on the issues facing the community such as mail thefts, neighborhood
crimes etc.

Skills, experience and interests (Please check all that apply)
_ Finance, accounting Personnel, human resources
Administration, management Legal/Attorney
Policy development Construction
Public relations, communications Property management
Special events Project management
Landscaping Website maintenance
Social media Other: ________________
Please tell us anything else you’d like to share.
(please limit response to 250 words)
Thank you for your interest in serving on the Goldenwood Property Owners’ Board of Trustees!
Please return this application to [email protected] by 05/06/2021 at 5:00pm cst Applications will not be accepted after this date and time.